
Victor Manuel Tenorio

Hi all! My name is Víctor Manuel Tenorio Gómez and I’m a PhD student at King Juan Carlos University.

The core of my research work is the design and implementation of neural network architectures over graphs. In the current age of data, maximizing the use of all available information is crucial. Graphs offer a comprehensive and easy way to exploit the underlying structure of the data. By delving into this research direction, we can unlock valuable insights and foster a deeper understanding of complex relationships within datasets. This approach not only addresses the challenges of the data-rich era but also sets the stage for innovative advancements in the fields of data science, machine learning and neural networks.

A little more about me, I was born in Madrid, and lived there since then. I’m passionate about productivity and self-improvement (although I mostly fail to implement the techniques I read about!) and love exercise, particularly swimming (we all should swim more!), metal music and cats.